
LQ: 9.4


Brain grade: 9.2
Fun score: 9.6

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Xbox One Xbox Series X/S PS4 PS5 Steam

Multiversus is a platform fighting game where the player controls various characters from the Warner Brother universe in order to battle and emerge victorious. Each character in the game has their own attributes. They also have a specific role they play in battles, such as Support, Mage, Ranged, and Bruiser. 

Players use their controls to execute combinations to attack and deal damage to the other characters. The further the player knocks the opposing character away, the more damage it will deal. The goal of the game is to knock them outside of the boundaries of the arena. 

The player can engage in online battles with 2v2, 1v1, or a 4 person melee battle. Local co=op is also available and the game supports cross platform play, meaning that two people with different systems can still play together at the same time. The game also features a ranked competitive mode. 

Multiversus is free-to-play but features in-app purchases and battle passes. It is rated T for Teen for Fantasy Violence and Language.

Multiversus  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

In order to win battles in Multiversus, the player needs to be able to pay attention to what their opponents are doing and choose moves to counter theirs. If the player loses their focus they may not be able to notice how the opposing player is using their characters and be caught unaware. 


Flexibility: Trying something new. 

Each character in Multiversus has unique fighting abilities and roles within the game so players can practice their flexibility skills and try something new. If the player is used to using brawlers who fight up close, they could choose to add a support character to their team or a ranged attack fighter.

Players can also practice their flexibility when determining how to play the game. Because there are several different options to choose from when it comes to how many people to battle and how many characters you can use, the player has options for flexibility in their play style as well.

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