Monopoly Plus

LQ: 9.45


Brain grade: 9.2
Fun score: 9.7

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

 Nintendo Switch Steam PC PS4 Xbox One Xbox Series X/S  

Monopoly Plus is a digital version of the classic Monopoly game. The player moves around a 3D board, earning money, buying property, building houses, paying taxes, and trying to avoid going to jail. This is done by rolling dice, moving the correct number of spaces and making decisions regarding the space the player landed on. If it is a property card, the player can decide whether or not they want to purchase the property. If they already own it, they can decide whether or not they want to build real estate on that property. Sometimes the player lands on spaces where they need to pay taxes, draw chance cards, participate in an auction, or even go to jail for a brief period of time. 

This digital version of the game also adds new features such as six additional house rules and fast play options for games that need to be a little shorter. Players can also play locally or online with up to six other people. Optional different versions of the board can be unlocked, such as the Rabbids, My Little Pony, and Just Dance. 

Monopoly Plus helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals. 

Just like in real life, playing Monopoly involves being good at planning how to use your money. The player needs to look at how much money they have and make wise decisions about whether or not they can afford the property they land on and compare it with the amount they would potentially earn from that property. For players who struggle with planning skills, they may find that they run out of money too quickly or buy property that is too expensive and beyond their means. Playing games that involve money like Monopoly plus is a fun way to practice skills involving money management. 

Flexibility: Trying something new. 

Even if the player has played Monopoly before, this digital version requires the player to use their flexibility skills. Because this game features new boards, new house rules, and new short play options, the player needs to adapt and adjust their expectations regarding how the game is played. For people who struggle with flexibility, games with changing difficulty and rule options are great ways to practice this skill in a low stakes environment. Players should try to play the game with a house rule or using one of the quick play methods while reflecting on how they feel about the change it makes to their enjoyment of the game, if any.

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