The Birdcage

LQ: 10.0


Brain grade: 10.0
Fun score: 10.0

The Birdcage
Game Type: , , ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android  |  iTunes

The Birdcage is a mystery puzzle game where the player is solving puzzles in order to get a bird out of its cage. Puzzles can range from something as simple as sliding a handle down to open a door and reveal a gem or piece needed for one of the other puzzles. Or, puzzles can be as complex as having to find a code in other areas of the cage, entering the code, and then still having one or two more steps to the puzzle. Eventually, the player finds a key and can unlock the birdcage to release the bird.

Each level also has three gems to collect and a note to find. The notes go together to tell a story about a kingdom and its royal family. When all three gems are collected from all the levels, the player unlocks an epilogue. There is also a rather dramatic soundtrack and set of backdrops to the game. If the player wishes, they can choose to play the game with augmented reality.

The Birdcage provides ten levels free for the player. The player may watch an ad for a free hint. There are also purchases available to unlock the remaining levels, as well as going ad-free with unlimited hints. There are also achievements available. The ESRB rated this game E for Everyone and LW4K stands by this rating. There are elements of the game, however, that require a knowledge of reading or numbers. Because of that, we recommend this game for a target audience of 8 and older.

The Birdcage helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

FlexibilityThe Birdcage

Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

This game is all about adapting to obstacles and trying new things. In fact, based completely upon adapting to new and different obstacles, and if the player doesn't try new things, or even try old things in different combinations, they will never unlock the new puzzles they face. They have to be willing to look at things in new ways, from new angles, and in different orders. Some puzzles will require the player to use the language parts of their brain, some will require the math parts of the brain. Whatever the case is, if the player isn't flexible, they won't be able to solve the increasingly difficult puzzles. And if they don't solve the puzzles, they can't find the key to release the bird from its cage. And if they don't release the bird, the player won't unlock the next level.


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

While there are some puzzles where all the player has to do is flip a lever, most of the puzzles in this game require the player to complete multiple steps to "defeat" them. This means that the player is going to have to use their organization skills. They must figure out where the different pieces need to be placed or in what order they need to go. In some instances, the player even needs to organize the puzzle by figuring out which step should come first, before they can figure out which piece goes where.

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