Fish and Trip

LQ: 9.0


Brain grade: 8.4
Fun score: 9.6

Fish and Trip
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android  |  iTunes

The game Fish and Trip gives the player one small fish and asks the player to keep it alive. In order to accomplish this, the player must collect other fish to make a school of fish. The bigger the school of fish, the more “life” (and points) the player has. The player also has to avoid various big fish. Some of them, like puffer fish, stay in one place. Other fish, of various sizes, move and will actively chase the player’s school of fish. Along the way, the player also needs to collect fish eggs. Collecting fish eggs gives the player points and, after collecting 500 eggs, allows the player to buy more types of small fish to collect in their school.

There is also a leaderboard, challenges, and a daily reward. Fish and Trip has in-app purchases and ads. The ESRB rated it E for Everyone and LW4K stands by this rating.

Fish and Trip helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

FocusFish and Trip

Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

The player needs to be paying attention to fish that will chase them, fish that can join their school, eggs, and immobile puffer fish. This means that in order to keep from missing things, they need to be ignoring internal and external distractions and stay focused on the screen. They also need to be able to switch their focus between all these different parts of the game. And they will be practicing short-term focus by keeping their focus on the small area visible on the screen, as well as extending that into long-term focus the longer they play the game.


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

This game also provides a very simple way to practice self-awareness through self-assessment. The bigger the school of fish is, the better the player’s chances are. Putting effort into paying attention to school size (“self”-assessment) improves the player’s chances of avoiding and surviving the bigger fish and obstacles, as well as increasing the amount of eggs they can collect. If the player doesn’t constantly use this self-awareness skill, they will not be able to advance on the leaderboards or unlock new fish.

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