Mini-Guide: Dig It!

LQ: 9.7


Brain grade: 9.4
Fun score: 10

Dig It!
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android  |  iTunes

In Dig It!, the player must guide one or more balls into one or more corresponding cups. Between the ball and the cup is sand, as well as a variety of different obstacles, and the player must swipe their finger to dig through the sand. Digging in the sand creates tunnels or paths that the ball will follow using what amounts to the laws of physics. Gravity pulls the ball down; forces like momentum can help a ball move “up” a hill. In some cases a player may have to move things, like boards and bricks, in order to get their ball in the cup. The player may even have to bounce off walls or pegs to get the right angle to reach the cup. In later levels, there are times when the player must match different colored balls with their appropriate cups.

After every couple of levels (including if the player redoes the same level again) there is an in-game ad. There are also a few in-game purchases available, including ad removal. The ESRB rated Dig It! as E for Everyone and LW4K stands by this rating.

Dig It! helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

FlexibilityDig It!

Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Dig It! is the perfect game for working on adapting to obstacles, as well as practicing trying new things. Because each level has obstacles, but they are constantly changing what the obstacle is and what combination they are coming in, the player must be ready to deal with what they see. The obstacles must be evaluated and taken into account when the player is making their plan of where to dig. If they do not acknowledge and adapt to these obstacles for each and every level, they will not be able to get the ball into the cup and they will have to replay the level until they are successful if they want to move on.

Another side effect of all the different obstacles in Dig It! is the fact that the player will be constantly forced to try new things. If all they ever do is a straight tunnel directly below the ball, for example, there will be many, many levels where the ball has no chance of getting into the cup. The player must try different shape tunnels, as well as doing things like deciding whether to avoid or use the obstacles. They may even have to dig some tunnels backwards from the cup to the ball instead of the other way around.


Developing and retaining information in our minds while working.

Dig It! also provides a great opportunity to practice two planning skills: short-term planning and problem solving. Obviously, each level is just one giant puzzle--or problem--waiting to be solved. The player must take in all the different obstacles before trying to figure out how the ball will fall and where the tunnel should guide it. Each level will require a different approach, meaning the player practices not only how to solve a problem, but many different ways to solve the same problem (getting the ball in the cup). And since the levels are relatively short (although it may take several minutes to figure out a good plan, it only takes a few seconds to execute the plan), the player also practices short-term planning. If they do not take the time to properly plan out their digging, they will not successfully complete the levels and will not advance to new levels.

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