Angry Birds 2

LQ: 9.6


Brain grade: 9.4
Fun score: 9.8

Angry Birds 2
Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: Any Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android  |  iTunes

Angry Birds 2 takes the classic bird flinging game and updates it to correspond with the new movie. The player will still use a sling to send birds flying across their screen. And they will still be attempting to demolish structures manned by pigs. There are, however, several updates that leave the game feeling fresh.

First, each level has two or more rooms. That means that the player does not get to see all of the level at once. They are, however, given birds for the entire level at the start of the game. This means that the player has to guess about which birds would be best to save for the second room and which would be better used in the first room. They can also earn an extra bird by filling up a destruction meter. Other differences include choosing which birds to unlock in which order, leveling up your birds, and spell cards (which have special effects that make a level significantly easier). The villain from the new movie, Zeta, also makes an appearance and players can unlock and play Frank the pig.

Angry Birds 2 also has extras like hat collections, special events, and daily goals. There is a daily challenge, a battle arena, and several other things that get unlocked as the player reaches higher levels. The game does have ads and in-app purchases. The ESRB rated it E for Everyone and LW4K stands by this rating.

Angry Birds 2 helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Angry Birds 2Flexibility

Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Because Angry Birds 2 has multiple rooms per level—but the player can only see one at a time—the player has to use their flexibility thinking skills. Adapting to obstacles—such as the different building materials—is the bulk of the game. Players also need to cope with whatever changes they find moving from one room to another, or when they get a new bird card (which may or may not be the bird they hoped for for that level). Either way, flexibility is key for being able to get the most points and stars.


Developing and retaining information in our minds while working.

Having a limited amount of birds means that the player can’t just sling them randomly and without purpose. They have to actually think about which birds they have, any spell cards they have, and what sort of structure they are trying to knock down. On top of that, they also have to prepare for the unknown second room. This means they have to use their problem solving and planning skills. If they don’t use these skills, the player will end up running out of birds, having the wrong combination of birds for the second room, or not getting all three stars.

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