Max Adventure

LQ: 7.8


Brain grade: 7.2
Fun score: 8.4

Game Type: , , ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 9+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:


Max Adventure is an action adventure game in which players control a character named Max trying to save the world from an invading group of alien attackers. The uses to “virtual” joysticks to control the action — one to direct max and the other to aim his shots. Gameplay directly follows the story line, meaning players will have to read and interpret captions from many of Max’s friends who are in need of help, as they will guide players through each stage, giving instructions about how to meet specific challenges. In the same way that learning is scaffolded in the classroom, players are introduced to more difficult enemies as they progress, and are granted use of upgraded equipment and power-ups as they play. Aside from the main story mode, a survival mode offers players the chance to jump into battle and see how long they can last Max Adventure features some mild cartoon violence, requires some reading and may be a bit too hard for very young players, making it recommended to kids ages 9 and up.


This game is good for kids who need help with:

Working Memory

Recalling and retaining information in our mind while working.

Like many story-based video games, Max Adventure requires players to use what they have learned in previous levels to succeed in the next. For example, in level one, players face relatively week enemies that are few in number. As the enemies get stronger, players begin to acquire better power-ups (bonuses that grant tactical advantage in the game). The second level specifies that players destroy all enemy pods - the spaceships that enemies arrive in. It is a stipulation specific to level 2. However, it teaches users that the best way to rid a level of alien threats is to destroy the pods they spawn from. Understanding this concept is imperative for success in later levels when enemies begin to arrive in droves. Power-ups follow the same methodology. Players are slowly introduced to stronger and more varied types of ray guns, modes of transportation, and radar. Often, it will take more than one try to complete a level, as players must match the requirements of the level to the competency of their current knowledge and tools. They must apply the knowledge that they learned about the strength and number of each enemy from previous levels, and choose the combination of powerups and tactics that best prepare them for the ensuing invasion.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

images (2)Players can choose between playing story mode or survival mode, the latter of which really encourages users to adapt to on-screen action and think on their feet. However, each version of gameplay tasks players to adjust their style of play accordingly. In story mode, players should always be mindful of every goal, whether it be gathering keys, saving children, or finding coins. The goal in survival mode is simple: destroy as many aliens until they overcome Max. Players must adjust their strategy to the type of challenge presented. In survival mode it would be wise for players to use a different set of powerups than those used when exploring levels in story mode. The fast-paced nature of survival mode can cuase players to take much more damage than usual and requires them to dish out more firepower. Thus, a health power-up and 360-degree gun would be ideal choices, as they are better suited for the multitude of enemies. In story mode, a radar and scatter shot would be better choices, as gameplay is much slower and dependent on when Max discovers enemy pods. Players should engage with both methods of play in order to practice flexible thinking strategies.

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