
LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 9
Fun score: 7.9

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Mathmateer is an iOS action game in which players build a rocket to maintain enough “hangtime” to solve a series of math problems. Players choose from problems involving money, numbers, time-telling, geometric shapes, and multiplication. The goal is to solve them as quickly as possible. The faster the equations are completed, the more points players will score. Bronze, silver, and gold medals are awarded for high scores. Mini-games are also available as a way to accumulate game money. Game money can be used to purchase rocket upgrades, which allows rockets to remain airborne for longer periods of time. Mathmateer is a great game for children who need extra help with math, as they must learn to think critically and react in a fast-paced environment. The is no inappropriate content, but basic math skill are required, making the game appropriate for ages 6 and up.

this game is good for kids who need help with:


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

MathmateerMathmateer requires sustained focus and mental effort if players want to be awarded a gold medal. Answering questions is a touch-based activity, forcing players locate and carefully tap each answer. Since there are a clutter of possible answers on the screen at any given time, players must seek out the correct responses among a myriad of incorrect ones. The takes a keen eye and the ability to multi-task, solving mental computations as they scan the screens numerics for the correct responses.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

A certain degree of foresight is necessary for players who wish to remain airborne for an extended period of time. In order to fly to a higher altitude, upgrades to rockets must be made. Players earn upgrades by playing mini-games. During mini-games, players answer questions until they give a wrong answer. Mini-games are essential for garnering higher scores in the game mode. Players must also think carefully about building their rocket. Though it is important for rockets to have enough power to fly to high altitudes, building too many thrusters will cause the rocket to move too quickly, preventing players from accessing all the potential answers. Players should plan to build a rocket that moves quickly, but not so fast that answers whizz by, causing their scores will suffer.

Use this PlayTogether guide to learn how you can help your child turn Mathmateer play time into a positive learning and relationship-building experience. To learn more about why playing games with your children is so important, check out our Science of Play page.

Talk Before You Play

Take a minute to talk with your child about how Focus and Planning work, and why these Thinking Skills are important for success in school and at home.

Set Gameplay Goals

mzl.pcjtbxch.1024x1024-65Mathmateer is a single-player game, so take turns playing with your. After reading over "How it Helps," see if you can team up with your child, each taking turns between levels to try and achieve the objectives listed below.

Gameplay Goals:

  • Alter your rocket to achieve an altitude of 200 miles
  • Earn $100 by playing the mini-games
  • Medal in all math categories
  • Score 40 points in "numbers mode"
  • Build a second rocket

Stop and Reflect

After you have played built a second rocket in Mathmateer, take a minute to pause the game and talk with your child about how the game is exercising your Focus and Planning skills.

  • Discuss the importance of having a quality rocket before take-off. Remind your child that a hastily constructed rocket will prevent him from getting a medal. Be sure to illustrate the importance of playing mini-games to prepare a rocket for travel -- just like doing practice worksheets to prepare for big test.
  • With your child, compare this type of game preparation with a real-life example - like raising his hand before he speaks. Hand raising allows your child to gather his thoughts, and refrain from acting impulsively. When your child raises his hand, he will more apt to deliver a well thought out answer.
  • Stress the importance of goal-directed persistence, or starting and finishing a task. Give your child clear reasons why he should strive for gold medals during gameplay. Gold medals mark mastery of material, and show signs that your child has learned and internalized new content.
  • Talk with your child about how different game modes required different levels of focus. Choosing numbers may be more “read and react,” while summing equations may take a more intense focus. Ask your child if scores higher when he must take his time to choose and answer or if he is better at reacting.


Our Make it Work activities are designed to transform your child’s gameplay to real-world improvements in thinking and academic skills. If you’re just getting started with LearningWorks for Kids, we suggest you try them all to find which are the best for you and your child.

Introduce the Thinking Skills

Read over the Focus and Planning pages, then take some time to introduce these thinking skills to your child.

Explain that:

  • Planning is the thinking skill that helps us develop a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals. It helps us do things step-by-step and to complete long-term projects on time.
  • Flexibility is the thinking skill that helps us adapt to new situations, learn from mistakes, and change what we are doing in order to deal with difficult challenges.

Focus Activity

MathmateerUse competition to sustain focus. For instance, challenge your child to a race. For example, tell her to see whether she can fully complete a portion of her homework before you finish putting away the groceries after shopping. If your child has a competitive nature, encourage her to come up with strategies for competing against herself or others. Engage siblings, friends or other caregivers in these friendly contests.

Planning Activity

List the steps. Many children have difficulty in conceptualizing the multiple steps it takes to complete a book report, prepare and clean up after a meal, create a Facebook page, or get ready for a family vacation. Writing a list is a good way to think through multiple steps and to break down larger goals into smaller tasks. Try it first with an activity that your child has completed successfully in the past. As she constructs the list, ask for a rationale behind her choices in regards to the order of the steps.

this game is also good for kids who need help with:


MathmateerAs the name would imply, Mathmateer incorporates key math concepts into an interactive, gaming environment. Players can practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, geometry, and telling time. Gameplay is timed, so players cannot deliberate for too long. They must react quickly - almost instinctively to earn a medal. For extra work, players should try the mini-games, where there is an infinite amount of time to practice the logic and quick thinking necessary to get a gold medal. Even building a rocket tasks players to combine spacial intelligence with a basic understanding of physics, in order to propel the spacecraft into the atmosphere.

Mathmateer and ADHD

MathmateerChildren with ADHD struggle sustaining the necessary mental focus to complete a task. Their impulsivity is often accelerated by competeing outside stimuli. Children with ADHD never completely master a subject due to their inability to complete an assignment in one sitting. Mathmateer is an engaging math app, that will absorb children into practicing math techniques without realizing it.

How to Use Mathmateer for Children with ADHD

  • Mathmateer's touch based method of answering questions, challenges children with ADHD to apply consistent and uninterrupted focus at the task at hand. Because missions are so short, children must use their time wisely; quickly calculating numbers, and responding with the appropriate answer.
  • Children with ADHD have a hard time envisioning a plan prior to engaging with a task. Mathmateer encourages children to design a spacecraft that will propel them into space for as long as possible. However, to build such a craft, children will have to play the mini-game to accumulate cash: Step 1. Step 2 would be to design a rocket with an equal distribution of power and steering - necessary for a high score.
  • The pace in which the game moves really makes it suited for children with ADHD. There will be moments where children will be so captivated by the touch screen commands, that the need to entertain outside stimuli will not longer threaten children playing Mathmateer.

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