Grapple Dog
LQ: 9.0
Recommended Age: 5+
Skills Used: Self-Awareness, Working Memory, Reading
Magic Cross Stitch: Color Pixel Art is a game where players can choose a pattern and “stitch” a pattern by clicking on certain numbered squares. Like a paint-by-numbers app, clicking on numbered squares will place a certain color “stitch.”
Players can complete the picture by moving through the pattern by color sections, in rows, or randomly. Patterns range in complexity and number of colors, making this a game that is appropriate for both children and adults.
Magic Cross Stitch: Color Pixel Art is free to play but in-game purchases are available.
Focus: Sustaining energy for short-term tasks.
For players who struggle with focusing, Magic Cross Stitch: Color Pixel Art is a great game to practice strengthening this skill. Because projects range from very simple to complex, the player can choose a cross stitch project that they feel is achievable and focus on completing it. Because clicking on the numbers places a stitch, the process is a lot faster than actual cross stitch, allowing for completion of the project in a shorter amount of time. As the player becomes more comfortable with focusing, they can move on to more complex and challenging patterns that may not be finished in one setting. Students who struggle with focus should start with a simple puzzle and a limited time to work on it, allowing for breaks if necessary.
Self Control: Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.
Coloring and Paint by Number apps are a great way to regulate our emotions when we are feeling stressed or angry. Because of the focus that is necessary to work on finishing the projects, Magic Cross Stitch: Color Pixel Art is a great game for players who need to take a break, calm down, or process their emotions. Because the projects are guided, students can focus on small parts of the whole, allowing them to focus on a task that is not high-stakes. The projects have ranging complexity as well, ensuring that students can pick a pattern that suits them and won’t lead to frustration.
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