Lost Odyssey

LQ: 8.3


Brain grade: 8.7
Fun score: 7.7

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 12+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

In this RPG, players take on the role of Kaim, an “immortal” with no memories who must battle his way through the land to learn his past. Players will gather more characters to join their party as they travel from town to town, encountering enemies in random battles along the way. Battles are turn-based, with players deciding the action of each party member as they fight. Players can select various actions, like casting magical spells, performing special attacks, or using items with unique effects. Lost Odyssey features fantasy violence and some mature language, but no blood, so it comes recommended to players 12 and up.



Arranging and coordinating materials and activities in order to complete a task. Organizing ideas.

This game helps kids practice good Organization skills, as there are several things to manage before battle, like assigning rings to help with melee attacks, choosing spells, equipping armor and setting formation. Placing characters in the back of the formation reduces the damage they take, so players should consider this before battle, especially for the weaker members of their party. Armor can be bought and sold, and players need to ensure their party has the best equipment available to survive the game's many battles.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals

A majority of the gameplay in Lost Odyssey will be spent fighting enemies and powerful foes known as "bosses." Combat is turn-based, giving players time to carefully consider each action and develop a strategy. Because each character has unique abilities and strengths, players must utilize them effectively in order to progress through the game. Enemies also have their own strengths and weaknesses that can be exploited by certain characters in the party. For instance, using a water-based spell on an enemy specializing in fire attacks will do considerably more damage than regular attacks, and taking the necessary precautions to guard against heavy boss attacks can keep members from falling in battle. If players fail to anticipate events and plan accordingly, they will struggle to counter the games more powerful enemies and progress in the game.

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