
LQ: 9.6


Brain grade: 9.6
Fun score: 9.6

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

In this game, players lead a small character called Sackboy through various side-scrolling adventures. The controls are simple: Sackboy can run, jump, and grab, but the possibilities are endless. Players can explore the game’s main levels, or create their own by using the built-in level editor. By connecting online, players can share their creations with the entire LittleBIGPlanet community and try out levels made by other players around the globe. Since the game contains virtually no violence, blood or offensive content, it is deemed suitable for ages 6 and up.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Players literally have access to millions of unique levels, each of which provide unique layouts, environments, and puzzles. With such a wide variety of worlds to explore players will often face new challenges, and must be able to adjust to the rules and goals of each world they visit. If they approach each level the same way, they will have trouble adapting to some of the more wildly inventive worlds users think up.

The main campaign levels in the game -- designed by the game's creators -- use the same tools available to players creating their own levels, and offer a similarly varied experience offline.


When making their own levels in LittleBIGPlanet players create their very own puzzles, enemies, vehicles, and more. They can even create original music by using sound blocks that emit a specific tone as Sackboy runs by. But in order to create a fun and playable experience, they need to organize their level well, making sure that every pit is jumpable, every swing is reachable, and every puzzle is solvable. If their level is an unorganized mess, it won't be much fun to play and will have trouble becoming popular online.


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