Level Editor 4

LQ: 8.2


Brain grade: 8
Fun score: 8.4

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , ,


Level Editor 4 is a puzzle/platformer available at Kongregate.com. Players use the directional pad to guide their silhouetted cowboy character through a maze of spiked objects, deep valleys, and a number of other obstacles. Players are given a finite number of blocks when they begin each level. Certain blocks disappear when the timer runs out, while others explode when touched. It’s up to players to determine the optimal location for each block. Players use the mouse or touch pad to move the blocks and right click to drop them. Usually, players will have to use all blocks to complete a level, which requires them to exit through a door. Collecting coins and seeking out the single star in each level will garner players a few extra points, adding to the overall high score. With a very surmountable learning curve and only 40 short levels, we recommend Level Editor 4 to players who are 4 and older.



979469d5Perseverance helps players deal with failure, overcome difficult obstacles, and keep from giving up. It’s also an important part of the flexibility thinking skill. In order to reach the end of a level, players are likely going to need a few attempts. It’s important to experiment with the placement of the blocks. This way, players will be able to find the fastest and most efficient route to the end of the level -- while still managing to collect all the coins and the stars. Players are expected to adapt to new types of blocks, faster falling spikes, and more difficult obstacles. Getting used to clicking the mouse to place and block while moving the cowboy sprite laterally or vertically may take a little time, as players are required to use both hands, essentially concentrating on two tasks at once.

Working Memory

Naturally, players will find that levels 20 through 40 are more challenging than levels 1 though 19. Especially when new obstacles and enemies are introduced, players will need a few attempts to master the timing of each jump, the proper position for each block, and the right method to bypass each enemy. However, as players work their way through a new level, it's important that they make note of all gaps, the placement of enemies, the ways in which the spiked obstacles move, and the position of the hidden star. Players should engage the working memory through a more "active" playing process. When they return to the level for the second or third attempt, they will be more prepared to reach the exit.

Time Management

Level-Editor-4In Level Editor 4, a timer counts down the seconds players have left to reach the door. However, this doesn't quite create the sense of urgency one would associate with the time management thinking skill. Players are given anywhere between 100 and 120 seconds to finish each level -- which is more than enough time to reach the exit. What really gives players a sense of urgency are the timed mines, expiring blocks, and fast moving enemies. In order to pass through a level unscathed, players need to move quickly, especially when jumping between expiring blocks and timed mines.

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