LQ: 9.15
Recommended Age: 10+
Skills Used: Planning, Working Memory, Mathematics, Reading
In Learn to Fly, players help a penguin fly by using rockets, gliders and various aerodynamic tools. Players start out with little money and no equipment, but each flight attempt earns them cash depending on the success of the flight. As they play longer, players will earn better equipment to help their penguin soar through the air. There is no offensive content in Learn to Fly, but reading is required for the instructions at the beginning of the game, so parental assistance may be required. This game is recommended for kids ages 5 and up.
Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.
In Learn to Fly, players start out with no equipment or money. The under-powered penguin may not be able to fly far at first, but if players press ahead and keep trying, they can eventually improve the penguin's equipment. This allows them to unlock cool rockets and gliders that allow them to fly better. The further they fly, the more in-game achievements and money they earn, which in turn scores them better gear. By receiving such rewards for their continued effort, players are reaping the benefits of goal-directed persistence.
Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.
Learn to Fly has a "soft" time limit. Each attempt counts as a day in the game, and the ending of the game depends on how many attempts -- or "days" -- it takes to reach 6000 meters in a single flight. Reaching this distace in a single leap is impossible at first, requiring players to budget their in-game time and cash wisely. If players take too long (more than 30 days) to reach 6000 meters, the ending is dismissive of their efforts. However, players who can finish in less than 20 days are praised, and encouraged to improve their performance on repeated attempts in the game. Therefore, players who remain aware of their in-game efforts and use their time wisely will gain greater reward.
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