
LQ: 9.1


Brain grade: 9.3
Fun score: 8.9

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Android iPhone iPad

Gwakkamole is a fun memory game where the player is attempting to whack avocados with a hand-shaped masher. The game works like a basic whack-a-mole set up where the avocados pop up from holes and you click on them to smash them. As the levels progress, different types of avocados will pop up. Some of them will cause a loss of points if they are clicked on; others require the player to time their clicking in order to gain points. At the end of each level, points are added up to determine a star rating. The more points you earned in a level, the more stars you receive. 

As the levels progress, more avocados are added, the spaces are spread further apart, and the speed with which they appear increases. Moving through levels places the avocados in different settings, from deserts to parks to, finally, the surface of the moon!

Gwakkamole  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:


Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

In order to successfully complete each level with three stars, the player needs to remember what types of avocados are in play and whether or not they can be whacked to earn points. Certain avocados wear pointy or electrified helmets that will cause you to lose points if they are clicked on. Other avocados wear hard hats that they remove after a second, allowing you to click on them. And there are plain avocados as well that can always be clicked on. Players need to remember all of these combinations to successfully earn points. Those who struggle with Working Memory will benefit from the earlier levels of this game where there is plenty of low-stakes practice. The game eventually ramps up in speed and variability, allowing players to move outside of their comfort zone after succeeding in simpler levels. 


Flexibility: Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations. 

The first few levels of Gwakkamole are very simple, including few holes, only one or two types of avocados, and a relaxed pace. However, as the levels progress, the levels change in pace, variability of avocados, and number of holes. This makes clicking on the correct avocados much more difficult. The player needs to adapt to the constantly-changing game board and try to score as many points as possible. Players who struggle with flexibility will benefit from earlier levels which start off slow and allow for practice before moving on to speedier and more complicated levels.

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