Ghost Typing

LQ: 8.85


Brain grade: 9.3
Fun score: 8.4

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,


Ghost Typing is a spooky word game where you are fending off ghosts by typing the words connected to them quickly and without mistakes. The game begins with a single ghost at a time moving towards you slowly. The player needs to use the computer keyboard to type the word and the ghost will disappear. However, if the player is too slow and the ghost gets too close, they will lose a life. The game ends when the player either completes the challenge or loses all of their lives. As the game progresses, the ghosts will move faster and come in greater numbers, increasing the challenge. 

Ghost Typing is a free-to play-game online. While the game is appropriate for children 4 and up, it is recommended for children who are able to read words on their own with confidence. For children who like the idea of fighting ghosts but need to practice their alphabet, the game Ghost Typing Jr. is available here.

Ghost Typing  helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

The object of Ghost Typing is to fend off as many ghosts as possible before the game ends. This means that the player needs to stay focused on the words to type and make sure that they are avoiding errors. If they do not focus, the ghosts will overwhelm them, causing them to lose lives until the game is over. Players who struggle with Focus can play the game several times to compare their initial scores to their scores after a few rounds of practice. 


Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

In order to successfully complete the game, the player needs to be able to type quickly and without error. Otherwise, the ghosts will get too close, causing them to lose lives and eventually the game. Players need to access their Working Memory to remember the position of the letters on the keyboard rather than constantly looking down. If they do not keep their eyes on the screen, they may miss words or the ghosts may approach too quickly for them to keep up. Players who struggle with Working Memory may need to play through a few rounds before becoming comfortable with the object of the game.

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