Dragon Shapes

LQ: 8.6


Brain grade: 9.2
Fun score: 8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:


Dragon Shapes is a math/puzzle game where players arrange a series of geometric shapes in their quest to rescue a dragon. The narrative may be simple, but the gameplay is not. Spacial intelligence plays a role in Dragon Shapes — a skill deeply tied to many of geometry’s more abstract concepts. In the first set of levels players must arrange squares and triangles in an effort to complete the tangram puzzle and fill the darkened portion of the map. Players can rotate, flip, and manipulate the shapes in order solve the puzzles.. There are four total sets of levels, each using different types of shapes and increasing in difficulty. Players can collect up to three lightning bolts in each level, which represent a type of mastery. Players lose a bolt when they ask for a hint. Hint help players find the correct positions for each piece. However they can only be used three times per game, so players must be diplomatic in their use. Because the Dragon Shapes has a very surmountable learning curve and we recommend it to players 6 and older — despite its difficulty.



Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations, especially adapting to obstacles.

imagesIt would be unusual for players to solve some of the more difficult puzzles on the first attempt. Success in Dragon Shapes is dependent on making adjustments. As new shapes are introduced, gameplay gets more difficult. Players will find themselves rotating pieces far more frequently in later levels. Eventually, players will likely get stuck -- especially if they unlock the paid levels. Here it becomes important to use the hint tool. The hint tool shows players where a particular shape should be placed on the tangram puzzle. Flexibility is the thinking skill that helps players work through getting stuck, making the hint tool an extension of the flexibility thinking skill.


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task. 

Tangram puzzles require a certain level of spacial intelligence to solve. And spacial intelligence is really an abstract form of organized thought. Players who are able to conceive the general positions of each shape simply by looking at the puzzle and its corresponding pieces are probably organized thinkers. Not only does Dragon Shapes aid users in developing organizational thought, it forces players to practice the skill, too. For example, it might be helpful to arrange the geometric figures by size and shape before starting to place them onto the puzzle.

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