Dicey Dungeons

LQ: 9.5


Brain grade: 9.3
Fun score: 9.7

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone 10+ Platform/Console: , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 10+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,

Nintendo Switch Steam Xbox One Xbox Series X/S PC


Dicey Dungeons is a strategy-based rogue-like game where the player moves through dungeon game boards as dice from different adventuring classes. They are playing against Lady Luck personified to get what their heart most desires. In the game, the player moves the die around on a map to grab health items, upgrade weapons, open treasure chests, and battle enemies. 

When a player encounters an enemy, their goal is to do enough damage to get their HP down to zero. This is done by taking the randomly generated numbers on a set amount of six-sided dice and using them to pay for attacks. These dice can also be used to “pay” for healing items, reworking of other dice, and status effects. Hitting a limit break will do more damage or allow a character to gain a special ability for one turn.

When the player makes it far enough with one class of character, they will unlock new, more complex characters which require more strategy when playing. When the character loses a fight, they need to go back to the beginning of the dungeons and try again. 

Dicey Dungeons is rated E10+ for Cartoon/Fantasy violence.

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

In order to be as successful as possible in a run of the game, the player needs to use their planning skills wisely. Fighting enemies requires that the player assesses the numbers on their dice as well as what their attack, status, and healing options are. They then need to take this information to make the best possible decision and deal the most damage to the enemy as possible. With poor planning skills, the player may find that they need to begin the dungeon over and over again because they are losing battles too many times. If this occurs, we recommend starting with the Warrior and really getting comfortable with this class before moving on to any of the other dice. 

Flexibility: Trying something new. 

There are multiple dice characters in the game and they all have different classes and different abilities. Each die that you unlock in the game increases in difficulty to use but comes with different types of abilities they can use to make it through the game. The player needs to use their flexibility skills in order to try these new characters, even if they seem too challenging at first. 

The player also needs to use their flexibility when fighting enemies in battle. Because the numbers on the dice are randomly generated, the player needs to go with the flow and choose attacks based on what numbers they received that turn. Without this flexibility, players may have a hard time using these numbers to strategize for the best attacks.

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