Defender of Texel

LQ: 8


Brain grade: 7.4
Fun score: 8.5

Defender of Texel - Educational Game Review image 1
Game Type: , ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 9+ Thinking Skills Used: , ,

iTunes / Google Play

Defender of Texel is a 2D strategic fantasy role-playing game where players manage a team of fighters, taking them through various worlds to fight foes, gain experience points, acquire new items and upgrade their units with new and improved fighters. The game employs stylized pixel graphics that create a charming, retro aesthetic, while gameplay revolves around arranging and upgraded a team of nine fighters. Players must group their nine fighters into teams of three, which are automatically cycled through until the enemy force is defeated. Teams must be strategically built, pairing together complimentary fighters in a balanced way that reduces damage taken and maximizes attack. Players must take into account health points, speed, attack, defense, and the unique skills and abilities of each character. As enemies get stronger, players will have to fuse fighters and evolve them, purchasing new ones as they continue to conquer each new world and defeat increasingly powerful enemies. Due to the game’s cartoon violence and intricacy of play, it is recommended to children 9 and older.


this game is good for kids who need help with:


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

D.O.T. 5Solid organizational skills are crucial for players hoping to achieve success in Defender of Texel. At the start of each battle, players are presented a 3X3 grid of their nine fighters, and must create three teams of three to take into battle. This is done by drawing horizontal, vertical or diagonal lines across the grid, and no line can be repeated. A single fighter can therefore be present on more than one team, allowing the best, most powerful characters to enter battle more frequently. However, to ensure they can be played more than once, these powerful fighters need to be placed in specific areas of the grid via the "band" menu. For example, placing fighters in the center or corners of the grid allows them to appear in battle up to three times.

The downside of entering characters into battle frequently is that they risk being defeated quickly, and losing a powerful fighter in such a manner can be devastating to the overall effectiveness of the team. Therefore, it is important for players to create a balance across the grid and make sure to pair complimentary fighters. For players to have an advantage or "edge" during battle, mindful arrangement of fighters is key, and can be done in such a manner that weaker characters remain somewhat protected, while ones with powers and skills that aid each other in battle are grouped together to maximize the team's effectiveness.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

D.O.T. 4Proper preparation goes a long way in this game, as the manner in which players build and upgrade their units is key to victory. Buying and building new characters diversifies the team, while upgrading, evolving and fusing together fighters increases their effectiveness. Fusing together fighters is essential for defeating new and more difficult opponents, as doing so creates a stronger unit better prepared for combat. When fusing fighters, a good rule of thumb is to combine two of same units, as this will yield the largest stat upgrade, although a good balance of different elements and abilities is also helpful.

When fighting through the challenging boss battles, elements frequently come into play. Therefore, players should try to evolve their fighters using a range of fusion combinations, to ensure they have fighters with elements that can take advantage of any enemy weaknesses.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Especially when players begin their journey in Defender of Texel, gameplay strategies are constantly subject to change. The game can be frustrating, specifically when players' fighters are not equipped to compete at higher levels. If a different arrangement of fighters yields the same disappointing result, players must adjust their strategies, using battles as a way to train, fuse, and strengthen their team. If players come out on the losing end of battles frequently, they must rethink the way they approach each fight to figure out why they are losing. Are their fighters too slow? Are the fighter groupings uneven? Is the team too weak? Whatever the case, there are a variety of ways to make changes. Players can buy items using in-game currency to enhance the powers of their units. They can also fuse their units to increase stat points, or simply buy stronger fighters. A combination of all three methods will result in a greater variation in the types of units players' have available, increasing the diversity of their team and the range of strategies available.

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