Cover Orange 2

LQ: 7.9


Brain grade: 8
Fun score: 7.8

Cover Orange 2 - Educational Game Review image 1
Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

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In Cover Orange 2, players are tasked with protecting oranges and other fruit from being destroyed by the raindrops that fall from above. To do this, they place blocks and objects on the screen, stacking them in a manner to keeps the oranges under cover. Players have to place blocks strategically, and not allow them to tumble due to physics, which can send objects crashing down. There is no violence or inappropriate content, and the game is easy to control and understand, so Cover Orange 2 is deemed suitable for players 6 and up.


this game is good for kids who need help with:


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Cover Orange 2 has many different levels, and each one has a specifc sequence in which players must use and place objects. Players must use many different objects -- like crates, barrels and planks -- to protect their oranges from the killer rain. Each object also has its own set of unique properties. For example, crates are heavy and can be used to weigh down lighter objects like planks, while tires can roll across platforms and can be used to fill small gaps. The available objects for each level are shown at the upper right corner of the screen, and disappear as players drop them onto the game area. Players who can choose the most effective way to place each object will have more success than those who place objects randomly.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

In Cover Orange 2, players must figure out what each of the cover items can do and where they should go. The game's physics are strict, so mistakenly placing pieces can cause pieces of the stage and fruit to fall of the screen. Players must place the pieces in a specific order, requiring them to sequence their thoughts and visualize the way the stage should look. This may take several attempts, so layers need to keep an open mind and try new approaches as they explore each puzzle.

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