LQ: 9.15
Recommended Age: 10+
Skills Used: Planning, Working Memory, Mathematics, Reading
Blendoku 2 is a game where the player must sort out colors on a gradient scale in order to solve the puzzle. The puzzles start out simple, using only a few colors and increase in complexity and number of colors as the game progresses. The player must use the colors already placed on the board to determine where the gradient starts and ends. As they are placing the colors on the board, a timer keeps track of how long it takes to complete the puzzle. This is then factored into your final score for that particular challenge. Additional points are added if the puzzle was completed correctly on the first try.
Blendoku 2 has some new features that were not present in the original game, such as a multiplayer mode and “paint mode,” where the user is selecting the gradient based on a piece of artwork.
Blendoku 2 also offers a Colorblind mode, where the gradients are adapted for those who need accommodations.
Blendoku 2 is free to purchase but there are also in-app purchases available.
Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.
The puzzles at the beginning of the game might be deceptively simple but they increase in difficulty as the player moves through them. This requires the player to use their focusing skills and block out other distractions while trying to complete the task at hand. If the player struggles with focus, they may be occupied with the timer or the worry of making a mistake that will affect their score. For these players, focusing on the simpler puzzles until they are comfortable with blocking out distractions is a good way to practice focus skills. Also, there is no way to “lose” the game; the puzzle can simply be reset if the player makes a mistake, so they can practice focusing without worrying about losing all of their past progress.
Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.
If you want to get a high score on a puzzle, completing it without making mistakes is a good way to do this. So instead of just moving pieces of color around on the board, the player can look at the colors they have access to and plan out how they will place them on the board. For players who struggle with planning ahead, they may find themselves needing to try a puzzle several times before getting it right. These players should try to see the patterns in the colors before they even place their first block on the board and see if this visualizing helps them get better at the game.
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