Miso Social TV

Miso Social TV is a social-media app designed to allow users to track and share their television and movie consumption.

LW4K Picks: Best Apps for Self-Awareness

Self-Awareness is an important thinking skill both inside the classroom and at home. Individuals with good Self-Awareness understand and can express their emotions, are able to accurately judge their own […]


News-O-Matic is an e-newspaper that features interesting articles about current events from around the world. The app is designed to be easy to read and understand for young children.

Top Writing Apps for Kids

Writing isn’t what it used to be. With the advancement of social media, smartphone functionality and a slew of useful writing apps for kids, children today have more options than […]


ClipChat is a video-chatting app designed to allow users to send short personalized video clips to friends and family members via an internet or mobile connection.


Snapguide provides users with do-it-yourself guides for a wide variety of tasks and projects complete with pictures, videos, and written instructions generated by users from around the world.

Best Note-Taking Apps for Kids

The app stores feature many different types of note-taking apps, housing a wide range of functionality and features. Note-taking apps are extremely beneficial for kids in school, helping them to […]


Story is an app created by Disney that allows users to tell their own stories using a series of images, videos, captions, and prose-like journal entries. Think of story as a […]

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