World of Peppa Pig

LQ: 9.1


Brain grade: 8.5
Fun score: 9.7

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 3–7 Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: , ,


World of Peppa Pig is an educational app where the user can engage in a variety of learning and creative activities with Peppa Pig and her brother George. Users can learn about numbers, the alphabet, and shapes, as well as soft skills such as sharing, washing hands, and caring for a pet. 

When logging into the app, the user has three choices: Learning Activities, Creativity, or Video Watching. Creativity allows the user to color pictures, use “stickers” to create a story, and even play dress-up games. Video watching features songs about the alphabet, nursery rhymes, and guessing games. 

Certain activities in the app also feature three levels of difficulty so that the games can be adjusted to meet children at their developmental level.

The app features Peppa and her family in cartoon-like motion with a bright and uplifting soundtrack. World of Peppa Pig is available on Android and iOS with a subscription to the app’s services. 

World of Peppa Pig helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Organization: Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

The World of Peppa Pig app is a great way for young children to begin practicing their organization skills. There are multiple educational activities on the app where children can practice organizing letters, shapes, and numbers. There are also soft skill activities, such as organizing Peppa’s toys and putting them away after playing. These activities can help gently introduce and reinforce the concept of organization with young users and help them make the connection between what they are doing in the app and real-life scenarios. 

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

The app is also a good way to introduce planning skills to young children. There are games like helping Peppa’s mother bake cookies, where the ingredients need to be combined in the correct order. Even creative activities such as dress up allow for young children to plan out an outfit for Peppa and then change it as needed. Another activity teaches the soft skill of sharing, where the user has to plan to distribute snacks, party hats, and balloons equally among the guests. These activities can help younger children see planning as an integral part of their daily life. 

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