
LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 8.7
Fun score: 8.3

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: , ,

Bluebird is a task management app with a built in focus timer. The user adds tasks to a list, assigns them a time limit, priority, frequency, and how often they occur. When the user is ready to begin the task, they can click on the focus timer which will count down until the set time for the task is complete. If the user can only complete a portion of the task, they can see how far they have progressed by looking at a blue progress line next to the task. 

Bluebird also features a data tab which shows the user how productive they are with their time and how many tasks they have managed to complete. Widgets can also let the user know how long they spent on certain tasks as well as how much time in general they spent focusing. 

Bluebird is a free app but some features require the purchase of the Pro version of the app. It is currently available on iOS.

Bluebird helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Creating a to-do list is a great way for users who struggle with planning to practice this executive function skill in a step-by-step process. In the Bluebird app, the user adds a task and then assigns it priority, meaning they need to know how important it is to complete this task over others. For users who struggle with planning, starting with a few to-do items can be helpful before the user feels comfortable moving on to larger, more complex projects. 

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Using a focus timer is a great way to practice maintaining effort to the task at hand. The Bluebird app has a built-in focus timer that can be used for specific tasks or just for focusing in general. For users who struggle with focus, starting with a short, five minute task and then working up to longer tasks with breaks in between can help practice this skill without the user feeling overwhelmed and quitting the task altogether. 

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