Rooster Money

LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 9
Fun score: 8

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Rooster Money is a money management app for students to keep track of their allowance while learning about saving and spending money. Parents can set the app to record actual money or “stars”, which can be given out at a specific time in the week as a result of completing tasks. When a child completes chores, the allowance is automatically tallied in their account on a day of your choosing.

Students can also “bank” their money/stars, transfer it to a goal (ex: new bike) or give money/stars to a charitable organization of their choosing. 

Rooster Money does require minimal reading and writing skills, so younger children may need the assistance of their parents to set up the app and maintain or add new goals.

Rooster Money helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Organization: Organizing and managing one’s personal possessions.

When receiving an allowance, it can sometimes be difficult for students to keep track of the money they receive. Rooster Money is an easy way for students to keep track of what they have earned and the goals they have set for themselves. Parents can also keep track of allowance dispersal, making organization easier for the whole family. 

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals. 

When saving up for any purchase, it is important to plan out how much money you will need. The Rooster Money app allows students to set up several goals and “transfer” their money/stars into those goals. They will then see a progress bar informing them how close they are to their goal. This helps students with planning for future purchases and allows them to see how their planning has led to success.

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