
LQ: 8.2


Brain grade: 8.6
Fun score: 7.8

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

As far as reminder and to do list apps go, Forgetful is a no frills, straight-to-the-point management system. But in order to fully reap the benefits of such a simplistic, but effective reminder app, users will have to purchase to the full version ($2.99). The free option only allows for 2 reminders – just enough for users to get familiarized with the way that Forgetful works. When making reminders, users can have the ability to use text, video, or a voice memo when playing back a preset memo. With only four buttons on the home screen, “current,” “pending,” “new,” and “settings,” users’ lists will not easy to read and free from clutter. Because Forgetful is so user friendly with no inappropriate content, we recommend the app to children ages 4 and older. It’s a great tool for users of all ages who want to better manage their day-to-day with a simple, but highly functional to-do app.

This App is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Forgetful helps users become more organized. Aside from separating tasks into “current” and “pending” folders, there are a few other features that help things fall into place. Users who enable the in app badge setting will find that all current reminders that have yet to be cleared will be added to the badge count. The badge count simple shows a red count number which alerts users to important reminders that have not yet been cleared, helping to keep them on track. Another feature which helps to avoid tasks from accumulating and disrupting the clean display is the “Hide Until Due” function. Reminders under this category will vanish until the date they are due. Usually these will be less important tasks that users keep hidden to keep their lists more organized and stress levels down.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Planning is such an important developmental asset for children to master. Forgetful not only helps users become better planners – but the app itself is part of the planning process. For tasks that are reoccurring on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis, users should select the “repeat button,” and choose the appropriate repeat option. When creating a new reminder it’s important that users think about the best way to get the urgency of the task across. Do they need a video reminder, a voice reminder, or will simple text suffice. Sometimes a more interactive and engaging video will help users realize just how important timeliness is. Once users set the date and time, as well as their choice alarm, users should set both the app badge count and “do notification” to the on position. And if the reminder is not too pressing, it might be a good idea to select the “hide until due” function. Sometimes a simple app is the best way for users to ease into becoming a better planner.

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