
LQ: 9.0


Brain grade: 9.6
Fun score: 8.4

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,


Cozi is a family calendar and organizational app where multiple people can add events, assign chores, and check off tasks in To Do lists. The basic form of the app features a calendar with a daily agenda. If the user clicks on any given day, all of its events will be displayed with other relevant information such as location, time, etc. Calendars from other platforms such as Google can be imported for ease of use. 

The app also features a list function, where the users can keep track of groceries, backpack contents, items to pack for travel, or any other information that is relevant to the whole family. 

And for families who want to cook together, the app also has a recipe section featuring meals that are fun and easy to prepare and cook. 

Cozi is available on iOS and Android and features in-app purchases for certain features. 


Cozi helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Organization: Applying organizational strategies to daily activities.

Family calendar apps with built-in To Do lists are a great way to practice using organizational skills in the real world. Because the app is used by everyone in the family more or less every day/week, the organizational skills needed to keep a calendar current are constantly being reinforced and encouraged by others. For users who struggle with organization, start by adding one or two events a week and making a list of things to pack for school, soccer practice, etc. Gradually build up to adding your whole schedule to the app and using it to keep track of all your supply lists. 

Planning: Planning for daily activities. 

Keeping track of what events are going on in your day to day life is an essential part of planning. Family calendars are great for planning because you are able to see not only your own events but those of everyone else in your family. For example, if you need a ride to soccer practice but see that your mother has a late meeting that day, you know you need to make arrangements some other way. Adding your own events to the calendar also lets other people in your family know what important things are coming up for you, like a big test or recital. For users who struggle with planning, using the app as a whole family and checking in with each other at the beginning of the day can help reinforce this skill. 

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