Flow Free

LQ: 8.2


Brain grade: 7.8
Fun score: 8.6

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

iTunes / Google Play

Flow Free is a game where players connect a series of same-colored circles, using an unbroken line. Players swipe the screen to create a line (referred to as “flows”), which must remain continuous until players link one circle with its corresponding partner. There are many different levels available in the free play mode, as players can choose from a 5×5 play screen all the way up to a 9×9. More difficult levels must be purchased for $.99 to $1.99 each. In each level, there are 30 different stage. A time trial mode test players speed and accuracy, allowing them to try to solve as many puzzles as they can in 30 second, 1 minute, 2 minute, and 4 minute intervals. Levels become more difficult as the size of the grid increases and more colored circles are introduced. Gameplay is very straightforward and players will likely catch on very quickly. Because of the many different levels of difficultly, Flow Free is recommended to children ages 5 and older.

this game is good for kids who need help with:


While the easy levels -- mainly the 5x5 and 6x6 grids -- can be solved very quickly, the more involved grids will take some trial and error. Creating lines that connect the circles can sometimes block a path to another color. These impediments are inevitable. Therefore, players need to understand that they may have to start the game over, or undo a previous move if they connect all the colors and complete the level. Especially in the time trial mode, players have to adapt quickly and think on their feet, making adjustments to the way the connect the circles expediently. When more colors are introduced, it gets hard to envision a plan of attack from the start. When this is the case, making quick adjustments and finding alternate ways of connecting the colors becomes all the more important.


Before gameplay commences, players should take a moment to scan the grid. Where should they begin? What are ways to connect certain colors without blocking a path for additional connections? Just by taking the time to consider how to proceed will make it much easier for players to solve each puzzle. Players can avoid mistakes, restarts, and "undo's" simply by taking a the time to prepare a strategy. Planning is more difficult during timed events, where players must act quickly -- but that does not mean they should not prepare. In timed play, players must only look for corresponding circles that are spread out on the grid. These should be connected first, with a line that will not interfere with the rest of play. Drawing an unobtrusive first line will keep gameplay moving quickly and mistake free.

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