FriendStrip Kids Pro

LQ: 8.1


Brain grade: 8.2
Fun score: 8.0

Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 6–12 Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

FriendStrip Kids Pro is a storyboard app in a comic strip style where users create comics using photos from their phones. Users choose from an assortment of prewritten and illustrated “strips,” from which they create their own story. Themes like “Jokes and Hoaxes” and “Pirates” are among the growing library of comics. Users can buy additional comic themes as well. Once the strip downloads, users can adapt, change, or leave an existing dialogue as is. Users also have the option to insert their own face into a strip — or their environment. FriendStrip Kids Pro offers a simple and unique way for your child to be expressive and creative, while following a linear narrative in the form of a fun comic strip. The app is best suited for children ages 6 and up, through parents may need to help out with reading the pre-existing stories, and creating new original text.

this app is good for kids who need help with:


Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.

Because the nature of a comic strip is based around a strict or singular narrative plot, it's important that users arrange the comic's panels in a way that best tells the story. It's not uncommon for users to rearrange the order of the story when editing in Friendstrip Kids Pro in order to give the comic clear chronology. Especially when users begin inserting their own narratives, the order of events is critical to preserving the intended the outcome of story. Is there a certain image or piece of dailouge that must go first? There are a limited number of panels and space, and while the order of the panels does not change in the app, users are encouraged to experiment with different captions, ordering them in a way that changes key elements in the story. It's a good way to practice being concise and organized ideas in the story-telling approach.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Planning out how capture original backgrounds and characters can lead to some interesting changes in the app's pre-loaded comic templates. Will it help make the story more engaging if users' upload pictures of themselves instead of using the generated characters? Changing the physical appearance of a background can also drastically alter the nature of the dialogue as well as the way the story will unfold. It's important for users to look at the storyboard and determine how to personalize the comic while still retaining a short plot. When users choose to include a photo they've taken, they will often have to crop it, rotate it, and experiment with size and perspective in order to utilize it properly. It's imperative that users understand the overall tone and theme of the strip they want to create before opting to go forward with their changes and edits.


Comic strip writing can be a great way to foster concise and clear writing. While it's true that comics are limiting, users must determine a way to tell the story or scene they wish in only a few panels. Realizing the significance of brevity is a skill that needs to be harnessed in order to communicate effectively -- especially for young writers who are just learning their craft.

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