Tiny Town

LQ: 8


Brain grade: 8.8
Fun score: 7.1

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 7+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:


Tiny Town lets players create a town of their very own town, eventually working to build a large, bustling populace. The player builds houses to attract new shopkeepers, who will in-turn give the player various quests to complete. Planting and harvesting fruits and veggies ensures that the businesses are well-stocked with goods, and special rewards await the player if she works collaboratively with the town’s residents. Tiny Town does not contain any offensive or inappropriate content, however due to the heavy reading content the game is recommended for players ages 7 and up.



Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

As the player adds to, and expands her shops, she will need more resources to keep up with the demands. This requires the player to plan accordingly and increase the number of her plots, eventually planting crops that yield a higher amount of goods. Also, building a successful town is not cheap, and she must often save up coins to make necessary purchases. She will have to think ahead about her goals and refrain from making unnecessary or low-priority purchases, so she can more quickly buy what she really needs. The player must even strategize the use of her energy, as she only has a limited amount. For example, if her strawberries are going to wilt soon, she should use the energy she has left to harvest them instead of using it on something else, like collecting coins from a house.


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

In Tiny Town, the player has to keep track of many resources at once. She must be aware of her available goods in order to know when to plant more crops and restock her supply of goods. Also, due to the limited amount of energy available, she must keep an eye on it constantly, ensuring she doesn't run out before completing important tasks, such as harvesting crops before they wilt. Paying attention to the town's population capacity is critical as well, as houses must be built in order to increase the population and add new businesses to earn more profit. When the player is able to effectively monitor these various game aspects and responsibilities, she will earn coins quickly and reap the benefits of a well-managed and profitable town.

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