Technology and Depression: Strategies and Tips for Parents

Depression is one of the most common psychiatric difficulties experienced by children. While most children and adults sometimes feel sad and blue, a diagnosed depression tends to be more severe, […]

Best Active Games for Kids with ADHD

In celebration of ADHD awareness month, we’ve been covering the potential benefits and concerns of video game use with children diagnosed with ADHD all throughout October. From covering the latest […]

Exercises & Activities for Helping Kids with ADHD Improve Attention

A New York Times article by Gretchen Reynolds entitled “How Exercise Fuels the Brain” describes how prolonged exercise significantly lowers the brain’s stores of energy during exercise, but subsequently brings […]

Activities for ADHD Awareness Month: Outdoor Play

While there is an increasing acceptance that ADHD is a genuine, brain-based neurocognitive disorder, there are still questions about the best forms of treatment and activities for ADHD. October […]

LW4K Picks: Best Apps and Games to Improve Self-Control

Digital technologies are often blamed for contributing to self-control problems in children. But with the right apps and games, the same activities thought to be a recreational distraction can prove […]

Video Games and ADHD: What Every Parent Needs to Know

Parents frequently ask me about video games and ADHD. Some have concerns that video games cause ADHD, others wonder how their children with ADHD can benefit from video games. One […]

What Is the Impact of Video Games on Autism and Attention?

There have been a few recent studies relating higher use of video games to inattention in children with autism and ADHD. These studies are “correlation” in nature, meaning that […]

What is the Newest Research on Autism and Video Games?

Video games for children with autism or ADHD are a potential source of great learning opportunities. However, at the same time, video game play can present a host of […]

Five Strategies to Improve Flexibility Skills

If your child gets frustrated when he makes a mistake or things don’t go according to plan, encourage him to use strategies to improve flexibility skills, starting with playing […]

Are Video Games a Special Interest Area for Children with Autism?

A common focus of children with autism and Asperger’s is their intense fascination with video games. Approximately 90% of children and adults with Asperger’s Disorder will have an all […]