Wii Sports Resort: Golf

LQ: 8.2


Brain grade: 7.8
Fun score: 8.6

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 5+ Other Requirements: Wii Motion Plus Accessory / Wii Remote Plus Thinking Skills Used: ,

In Wii Sports Resort: Golf, players hold the Wii Remote like a golf club and swing it forward to hit the ball, with the ball going farther depending on how hard they swing. There are a variety of courses to play, each with different slopes, sand traps, wind conditions and hazards. To accommodate this, players can adjust the angle of their shot using the directional pad, and can choose different clubs of varying power. The game features no violence or inappropriate content, has easy controls and requires no academic skills to play, making it suitable for players ages 5 and up.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

This game helps kids practice good Planning skills by tasking them to carefully plan out each shot and plot their way down the course. In order to deal with a variety of obstacles like water hazards, sand traps, wind, and the slope of the ground, players need to carefully set up each shot before swinging. They can change the angle of their shot to accommodate the direction of the wind and the slope of the ground, or adjust the power of their swing in accordance with the distance to the green.


Maintaining attention and effort during tasks and seeing them through.

Players need to pay close attention to the direction of the wind, the curve of the ground, and the power they exert during each of their swings to ensure a successful shot. If they disregard the power meter and speed of their swing, they may end up hitting their ball into hazards like water and sandpits. By keeping an eye on the map and watching for things such as wind direction, locations of water and sand hazards and the out-of-bounds rough, players can deduce which club suits the situation best, appropriately adjusting their swing. When players consider all of the multiple factors at play, they will have a better chance of successfully sinking the ball.

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