Wii Sports Resort: Basketball

LQ: 8.1


Brain grade: 7.6
Fun score: 8.5

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Other Requirements: Wii Motion Plus / Wii Remote Plus Thinking Skills Used: ,

Wii Sports Resort: Basketball is a motion-controlled basketball game that features two game modes, a 3-point contest and a 3-on-3 match. In the 3-Point Contest mode, up to four players can race against the clock in order to net as many 3-point shots as they can in 60 seconds. To shoot, players hold down the B button to grab the ball, and then hold up the Wii remote to line up their shot, flicking their wrist forward and releasing the button to shoot. The power and direction of their movements affect the aim and arc of the ball. The 3-on-3 Pickup Game mode (unlocked after playing the 3-Point Contest) has each player controlling a 3 character team. It can be played either against the computer or another player. Players pass the ball using the directional pad and the A button, and shoot the same way as in the 3-Point Contest. On defense, players can shake the Wii remote to steal the ball or jump up to block shots. The game features no violence or inappropriate content but the motion controls may be a bit hard for children under the age of 6.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:

Time Management

Being efficient and aware of her use of time and effort.

Time Management is a very useful skill in both modes of this basketball game. During the 3-Point Contest mode, players must balance speed and precision as they race against the clock to net as many points as possible. The timed nature of the 3-on-3 Pickup Game mode requires players to use the clock to their advantage, strategizing to make the most of the allotted time. For example, if players are leading a game by just a few points and only 20 seconds are left, instead of trying to score again -- which could result in the other team getting the rebound -- players might instead try to keep the ball in possession, running down the clock and not letting the other team attempt to score.


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

Whether on offense or defense in the 3-on-3 Pickup Game mode, players must keep track of all three of their players simultaneously, concentrating on their locations in order to play effectively. Focus skills help players keep an eye out for open passes, take accurate shots and get players close enough to the basket to perform a slamdunk. Conversely, maintaining attention on defense can result in a steal or intercepted pass. In the 3-Point Contest mode, timing and pace are as crucial as accuracy and aim. Shots must be released at the peak of each jump for maximum accuracy, and doing this action 25 times at a steady pace for a minute straight requires a tremendous amount of concentration, helping players exercise good Focus skills as they drill their shots. In order to do well in both modes, a sustained level of attention is needed to deliver shots with accuracy and score points.

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