Sort Bird

LQ: 8.5


Brain grade: 9
Fun score: 8

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 8+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


HTML5 puzzle game Sort Bird is deceivingly difficult, as its light and cartoonish presentation vastly differs from its intermediate level gameplay. The game focuses less on instruction, with more emphasis placed on a type of self directed instruction, where players learn the rules as necessary. The goal is to put birds into their nests. However, each bird can only be moved a certain number of time. Individual empty nests await the birds, and it’s up to players to sort them properly. Through trial and error, logical thinking, and a commitment to the game, players can move through the levels, stretching the limits of their flexibility and planning thinking skills. We recommend Sort Bird to players ages 8 and older.



Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Major elements of the flexibility thinking skill are at play in Sort Bird. After the first three levels, which really only function as a type of hands-off tutorial, players have to be on their toes, learning from their mistakes and employing new strategies to bring the birds to their nests. Birds must move the number of times indicated on their character. This makes placing them in the correct nest quite difficult. Often, players need to experiment with the movement of each bird a number of times before they stumble on the right combination. Usually the nest closest to any particular bird is not where it needs to end up. This really creates the type of trial and error scenario that Sort Bird gameplay thrives on.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals. Improving short-term planning.

Most planning strategies require players to quickly scan the screen. This allows them to develop a strategy. However, a quick scan is not going to do the trick in Sort Bird. Players need to think critically and logically even before they make a move. They have to determine about how to collect all three stars while thinking through each move. Some birds must make four moves and some only one before they can be placed in a nest. Players must develop a style of play that incorporates both elements: collecting stars and ensuring the birds have moved the required number of times before being placed in a nest. This kind of goal duality takes careful, conscientious, and well-thought out play.

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