SongPop Party

LQ: 9.28


Brain grade: 8.6
Fun score: 9.96

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

iPhone iPad


SongPop Party is a music trivia game that can be played alone or with other people. The players are given a few seconds of a song and need to choose the title or the artist from a list of four possibilities. You get points for the correct answer and for the amount of time it takes for you to make your selection. 

The player can choose from a wide variety of playlists, ranging from 1960’s to Pop to Love songs. There are three different modes which the player can choose including Solo, Arena, and Party. Arena pits the player against randomly chosen people and Party mode allows you to play against 8 of your family members or friends. 

When you level up your music knowledge skills you earn keys which can be used to unlock more song playlists and new avatars. Earning trophies for specific achievements can also help you earn keys. 

SongPop Party is a free to play game when you subscribe to Apple Arcade on iOS. 

SongPop Party helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Time Management: Working under pressure. 

The amount of time it takes you to choose the answer directly affects your score. This means that players need to work under pressure and answer as quickly as possible without sacrificing accuracy. For users who struggle with completing tasks under time pressure, this game can be a fun way to practice this skill. Starting on the easiest mode can help introduce this skill and then the player can move to harder levels as they become more comfortable with focusing and choosing their answers efficiently and quickly. 

Flexibility: Trying something new. 

The music library for SongPop Party is huge-there are all types of music and playlists to choose from, meaning that there are probably some categories that the player is not overly familiar with. This is a great opportunity to practice flexibility skills and try listening to some new songs and artists. Competing achievements and moving up in levels is the way to unlock more parts of the game, so being flexible and playing across a wide variety of genres allows for the possibility of earning more keys. 

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