New Pokemon Snap

LQ: 9.4


Brain grade: 9.3
Fun score: 9.5

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Nintendo Switch

Pokemon Snap is the latest game in the Pokemon franchise and was released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch. In the game, you travel around in the NEO-ONE, a vehicle which allows you to explore wild areas full of Pokemon. In the NEO-ONE, you travel through beaches, forests, and plains in search of Pokemon both familiar and rare. You use your camera to take pictures of these Pokemon and submit them for scoring. Your scores in the game are based on the quality of the photo, such as how many Pokemon appear in the photo, their behavior, and their poses. Based on the star ratings of each photo, you can unlock other aspects of the game. When you are finished taking your photos, you can open them in the editing software, changing their filters, adding stickers, and frames before sending them to family and friends. 

The game also features the Lental region, where certain Pokemon glow. By taking photos and submitting them, you may be able to unravel the mystery of this island and its Pokemon. 

Pokemon Snap is available exclusively on the Nintendo Switch. Because the game requires a level of comfort with reading, younger players may need adult assistance.

Pokemon Snap helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Flexibility: Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations. 

As you move through the environments of the game, there are countless opportunities to take pictures of Pokemon in their natural habitats. The Pokemon may be out in the open or they may be hiding and require some special item to bring them out into the open. They are also constantly moving and interacting with one another, meaning that the player needs to adapt and use flexibility to get the best possible pictures. Because the NEO-ONE is on a track, the player cannot go back and retake the photo unless they start the level over completely. So being flexible can help get the best possible picture each time without having to repeat levels unnecessarily. 

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. 

As mentioned above, the player is riding in the NEO-ONE, a vehicle that does not stop at any point in the level. This means that the player needs to focus and block out distractions in order to get the best picture possible. If the player struggles with focus, they might be distracted and hit the button too slowly, causing them to miss a picture with a higher star rating. 

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