Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy

LQ: 9.75


Brain grade: 9.7
Fun score: 9.8

Game Type: , , ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , , , , , , , LWK Recommended Age: 13+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used:

Steam Nintendo Switch iPhone PS4 Xbox One Xbox Series X/S

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is a trilogy of games surrounding the courtroom antics of Phoenix Wright, a defense attorney who takes over his partner’s practice after her tragic death. Alongside a colorful cast of characters, Wright needs to investigate, gather evidence, and find contradictions in testimony in order to prove the innocence of his clients, even if they think that it is a hopeless case. 

The player interacts with other characters in the game by moving from one location to another and talking to them from a first person perspective. The player can then choose to examine the area, present materials to different characters, and file away information to be used in the courtroom.

When the trial day arrives, the player listens to witness testimony and then has the option to either push them for more information or present evidence which directly contradicts their statement. The player has a limited amount of attempts to do this, so being careful about what evidence you present is essential. 

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney is rated T for Teen. Parents are encroaching to read up on the ESRB rating system and then make a judgement based on their knowledge of their individual child. To learn more about the ESRB rating system, please click here

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks. 

The player needs to use their focusing skills in the Phoenix Wright games because, as visual novels, there is a great deal of reading. The information you get from characters and from the evidence you find can all help you put the pieces together about the case you need to defend so if the player is not focused, they may miss crucial information that causes them to lose their trial. For players who struggle with focusing, information is able to be repeated as many times as necessary so going back and re-reading for clarification or to highlight important points is possible and can help with practicing focus in small doses. 

Working Memory: Recalling and retaining information in our minds while working.

During each trial, the player will hear testimony from various witnesses. The player will then have to decide whether or not this testimony is truthful and if they have evidence to prove their assertion. While the player is reading the testimony, they need to be able to recall statements they have previously heard, as well as remember what evidence they have in their possession in order to make a successful objection. Players who struggle with working memory may find that it is difficult to determine which statements the witnesses make are true and which are false. In order to practice working memory, players can reread the text as many times as they need to and check their evidence file frequently until they have built up enough confidence to remember what they have while they are hearing the testimony. 

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