Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2

LQ: 8


Brain grade: 7.4
Fun score: 8.5

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Teen Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 11+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2, the player composes a team of four superheroes to fight against a corrupt governments, criminals and other nefarious foes. Up to four players can team up, or a single player can switch between any of the four heroes at any time. After building up enough power, the characters can perform powerful fusion attacks that combine the powers of two heroes. As the game progresses, the player can unlock new heroes and new powers to use in battle. The game requires no reading, but the spoken dialog features instances of course language. Combat revolves around fantasy-based violence, but features no blood. Due to these factors, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 is only recommended to players 11 and up.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Each hero in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 handles differently. From special powers to basic attacks, every hero is unique. The player must choose which hero to use in a given situation, as some enemies are immune to certain powers. For instance, robots are immune to ice, so choosing to fight as Iceman against a horde of robots would be a bad decision. Furthermore, any two heroes can perform a unique and powerful attack, called a “fusion attack.” The two types of fusion attacks are “clearing” and “targeted.” In a room full of enemies, a “clearing” fusion attack works well because it damages many foes, whereas a “targeted” fusion attack works better against a single, powerful foe. In order to succeed, the player must be flexible, using different heroes and powers during battle. A narrow-minded play style will make it very hard to continue far into the game.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

As the player progresses through the game's story, skill points are awarded, which are used to upgrade different character's abilities. This gameplay mechanic exercises Planning in several ways. Skill points should first be spent on heroes that the player is proficient in, as these heroes will likely be used most in the game. The player will also want to carefully choose which abilities to purchase for each hero, because once the game gets tougher, having a few great abilities becomes more helpful than having a lot of mediocre ones. Also, since the player controls a team of heroes, it is a good idea to coordinate the abilities of the characters in conjunction with one another. For example, the player could maximize the close-range attacks of the Hulk and then upgrade the ranged abilities of Iron Man. This will allow the player maximum flexibility while dealing with the game's wide array of enemies.



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