Luxor 3

LQ: 9.0


Brain grade: 9.0
Fun score: 9.0

Game Type: ESRB Rating: Everyone Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

In Luxor 3, the player must protect a pyramid from swarms of scarabs pushing colored spheres around a circular track. In order to destroy the scarabs, the player must eliminate all of the spheres each scarab is pushing. The player can do this by firing spheres and lining up and matching three or more spheres of the same color. Doing so earns the player power-ups, which can then be used to destroy even more scarabs. The game features a variety of game modes, such as “puzzle” mode (which limits the amount of sphere players can use) and “survival” mode (which tasks the player with surviving an endless stream of scarabs until the timer runs out). There is no violence in this game, no reading is required for gameplay, and it is easy to learn and play, making Luxor 3 suitable for players ages 6 and up.

This Game is Good for Kids Who Need Help With:


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.    

Each time three matches are made consecutively, the player can earn one of many valuable power-ups. This can be done by either making single matches or setting up a chain reaction of matches, which are worth much more points and provide more bonus items. To make chain reactions, however, the player must make calculated moves. For example, she may identify where she needs to shoot her next sphere, but depending on the winding nature of the path, other spheres may be blocking her way. The player must survey the pathways and wait to determine when and where there will be an opening to make the shot. Random, thoughtless shots risk filling the pathway with a line of mismatched spheres, making it harder to creating matches and sometimes even costing the player the level.


Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

From tracking the moving spheres, to creating chain reactions and catching falling prizes, there is not one moment of relief in Luxor 3. While the goal is simple -- match together colored spheres --  doing so requires the player to focus on multiple game elements at once. Precious falling items can be missed in the blink of an eye, and the colored spheres travel at a rather speedy pace. An inattentive player will miss chances to chain together big color combinations, and fail to rack up a decent score. Levels can last a while too, requiring the player to sustain concentration over extended periods of time. Good Focus skills are key to racking up points, collecting valuable power-ups and creating the big chain reactions needed to bolster the player's score.

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