Let Me Grow

LQ: 9


Brain grade: 9.4
Fun score: 8.6

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

Scirra Arcade

Let Me Grow is a charming, but challenging puzzle game where players must find new and innovative ways to water flowers. Players control the direction of the water supply, which usually sits in a small reservoir to begin the game. From the reservoir players must move the anicuts, or small dams in a way that waters all the flowers in the puzzle. But the strategically placed garden gnomes must be kept dry. Players control the direction of the water by turning spigots, a process marked by trial and error. Once players arrive at the right combination, they will move to the next, slightly more difficult level. We recommend Let Me Grow to children ages 6 and older.



Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals. Improving short-term planning.

Begin with the end in mind. Before players turn the first spigot, it would do them well to take a look at the positions of the flowers that need water and the gnomes. In later levels, players will need to understand the game's piping system. Pipes come in matching pairs and transfer water equally between two damed areas. Understanding the cause/effect relationship for each move keeps players from making unnecessary mistakes. Having a plan in Let Me Grow is as simple as understanding the relationships among the various objects in the puzzle.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations, especially adapting to obstacles.

It's almost impossible to solve even the first 10 puzzles on the first attempt. There are really no instructions or tutorials for how to use the aqueduct type pipes or the blocks that act like a dam. Players must learn how to manipulate and employ these objects during play. Adapting to new rules in Let Me Grow's ever changing puzzle environment, forces players to practice the flexibility thinking skill. Although some of the solutions are difficult to find, if players experiment with the functions of each item on the map they will eventually solve the puzzle.

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