Hack, Slash, Loot

LQ: 7.8


Brain grade: 7.3
Fun score: 8.3

Hack, Slash, Loot - Educational Game Review image 1
Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 12+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


In this retro role-playing game, players take control of a lone adventurer exploring randomly generated dungeons, tombs and caves, fighting monsters and collecting the treasures buried within. Players can choose between several characters, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, and embark on a number of quests in a pixelated, fantasy setting. Dungeons are separated by levels, with each advancing level populated by more powerful enemies and greater loot and treasure. Hack, Slash, Loot requires basic reading and features mild fantasy violence and some blood. but the simple, pixelated design makes it look very unrealistic, so it is a not a major concern for parents. Due to the mild violence, required reading and moderate level of challenge, Hack, Slash Loot is recommended to kids ages 12 and up.



Getting started and then maintaining attention and effort to tasks.

From the title screen of the game, players can choose from several different quests, each taking place in a massive, randomly generated map. Each quest's dungeon is broken up into several levels, the final level containing a treasure exclusive to that quest, with the main goal being to acquire that unique treasure. Levels are expansive and require deep exploration in order to locate the exit to the next level. This meticulous exploration is central to the gameplay of all "dungeon crawler" games like this, and can test the player's attention during extended periods of play.

Hack, Slash, Loot is an excellent example of a game that tests players' goal-directed persistence. Upon being defeated in the game, the players are sent all the way back to the first level of the quest, losing all of the equipment and items they have collected, forcing them to explore the dungeon from scratch. Therefore, in order to reach the highest level and obtain the quest's unique treasure, players need to remain diligent and maintain a high level of effort towards their goal.


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations

Because each level entered is randomly generated and rooms are not visible until explored, players must remain cautious and ready to adapt while scouting new areas. Although the game has a birds-eye view of the environment, players will not be able to see around corners or through doors not yet traveled, making the character's field of vision very limited. When opening doors the player has no indication of what will be on the other side. This keeps players on their toes and forces them to shift their strategies in battle on-the-fly.

Another addition to Hack, Slash, Loot's gameplay is the number of characters available to the player. The player starts the game with only three characters to choose from: a wizard, a woodelf, and a barbarian. Each of these characters varies in competencies, for instance, an elf is much quicker and better at ranged attacks, while the barbarian is stronger and has more health. Players must choose which character suites their play style and what skills are best for the level they are playing. The game features many more characters to unlock, each offering new ways to play the game.

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