Gravity Ghost

LQ: 9.2


Brain grade: 9.4
Fun score: 9

Game Type: , ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 7+ Thinking Skills Used: , ,


Gravity Ghost is a 2D physics-based puzzle platformer with a unique and compelling narrative. Players control Iona, the ghost of a benevolent young girl who is keen on finding her pet fox and restoring spirit and color to animals she finds along the way. Immediately thrust into space, players must quickly master the game controls influenced by the pull of gravity. Iona can move left to right and jump to start the game. But once players move through the worlds, they will learn new moves like double jumps and dives. Players must collect a star in every level (of which there are about 80) to open doors and unlock new constellations in the Gravity Ghost world. An entrancing soundtrack, a helpful introduction/tutorial, and a strong narrative make Gravity Ghost a great game for practicing the self-control, working memory, and flexibility thinking skills. Currently Gravity Ghost goes for $14.99 on Steam. We recommend it to players ages 8 and older.



s12In Gravity Ghost, patience becomes part of gameplay. Controlling Iona's movements is quite difficult, especially before players learn the techniques that allow them to move more freely through space. One of the main tenants of the self-control thinking skill is the players ability to deal with the frustrations of failure. And as players inevitable struggle with character movement, they are forced to employ self control. Once players become more adept at navigating the game's physics, they will generate enough speed and momentum to move Iona in an ever-growing ellipse. In an effort to collect objects, stars, as well as land on platforms and planets, players must execute their movements with precision and accuracy -- both of which are products of patience.


Like the Mario series, players move through different worlds or "constellations" in an effort to reach the game's end. In each constellation, there is a new technique for Iona to learn. First is a type of cannonball dive, which works against the pull of gravity, and thrusts Iona downward, against the pull of gravity. The second technique is a glide, and the third, a double jump. Additional techniques are available in later constellations. But their purpose is the same: to make moving through space easier. However, there is a learning curve for each new skill. Although the curve is very surmountable, players still have to adapt their style of play to the newly introduced technique. Flexible thinkers will likely learn new moves quickly, as adaptive thinking allows players to learn a new skill an demonstrate it in a very short period of time. Many of the game's puzzles are best solved through a more experimental trial-and-error process - another important element of the flexibility thinking skill.

Working Memory

One important aspect of the working memory thinking skill requires players to recall learned information. A second, equally important skill is called "generalization," or the ability to use a learned skill or technique at the time when it's applicable. When Iona learns a new technique, it's up to players to recognize the instances when it should be used. For example, there are orbs which contain stars and other useful items scattered through space. Players have to shatter these orbs in order to collect what's inside. The dive technique will give players enough speed to break the orb without losing control of Iona. Gravity Ghost will help players develop the working memory thinking skill, as they need to recall and demonstrate learned techniques.

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