
LQ: 7.6


Brain grade: 7.2
Fun score: 7.9

Game Type: ESRB Rating: N/A Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 5+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

iTunes / Google Play

Basketmania is a single-player basketball game that tasks the player with taking shot after shot from randomized spots on the basket ball court. Using the mouse or touch screen, the player can adjust the angle and projectory of the ball before shooting. The game features two modes, “straight shots” and “countdown.” While playing straight shots, the player attempts to score as many consecutive shots as he can, earning point multipliers for successive shots. The game is the same when played in countdown mode, except that the player is now given a time limit. As it does not require any reading, is easy to play, and contains no inappropriate content, the game is suitable for players ages 5 and up.


this game is good for kids who need help with:


Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.

Basketmania - Educational Game Review image 1In Basketmania, the player earns more points per shot for consecutively scoring without missing. To make this task harder, the game randomizes the position from which the player shoots. Thus, the player cannot become comfortable and stick to a single strategy or type of shot throughout the game. Depending on his position or distance from the hoop, he'll need to adjust the angle and power of each shot. If he uses the same strategy over and over, he'll have trouble making high-scoring shots one after another.

Time Management

Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.

In Basketmania's Time Limit mode, the player has 90 seconds to make as many baskets as he can. This forces him shoot as efficiently as possible. Since the amount of points awarded for each throw grows larger as consecutive successful shots are made, it is important to combine precision with speed. Merely firing off a large quantity of balls won't maximize the score, and taking too long to aim will result in fewer total shots being made. The player that strikes a balance between these two factors will be able to make the most of the limited time allotted.

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