Sue’s Focus Travels
LQ: 7.95
Recommended Age: 4+
Skills Used: Focus, Time Management, Mathematics, Writing
Quip is a word processing app and document editor that helps kids organize notes and other written materials in one central place. Quip makes it easy to share work with peers, and all work can be made collaborative among a variety of users. Users can edit documents as a group, adding in content and offering each other tips and recommendations to help improve a piece of writing. Users in the same project see any changes immediately, as well as who made them, and can revert back to an older version of the document if necessary. Another feature locks paragraphs that another user is editing or writing to avoid any overlap or confusion. Quip is relatively light on features, as the actual writing process takes precedence over presentation and frills, but it is one of the best word processing apps on the market. Best of all, it’s free. Basic reading and writing skills are needed to use Quip, but even though its functionality is most useful to older students, the app is still well-suited for use with children age 10 and older.
Arranging and coordinating materials in order to complete a task.
Quip makes every effort to create an organized word processing experience. User can change the font size to best match the nature of the composition. A recipe or checklist may call for a larger font, while a longer piece of writing would probably work better with a smaller font. Users can insert tables, images, and documents from Google Drive and other apps like Evernote to simply the experience. Using the @ symbol allows users to share documents and lists with other people. The tiled homscreen display helps users to keep track of all active projects. Users also have the ability to create bulleted, numbered, or check lists, helping them find the most aesthetically satisfying way of going about presenting their material. All users involved in a document are listed on the left side of the screen, which makes it easy to see the contributions of each member.Presentation is extremely important when creating written content, and Quip makes the organization process expedient and user friendly.
Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.
The "timeline" phrase is probably most closely associated with Facebook -- at least in the digital world. But the Facebook timeline is really just a news feed. Quip employs a timeline where users have access to the exact time in which individual pieces of writing were created, edited, and finalized. This allows users to see exactly how long it took them to write a particular document, as well as the amount of time others spent on it. Especially for group projects and shared documents, it's important to keep track of time spend on each activity, as it ensures that the work group project has been equally distributed and conducted.
Quip is the perfect way for users to become better writers -- and it's all because of the collaborative design. Grammar, spelling, syntax, and diction can be edited and made better by users who have been assigned to edit and proof a piece of work. Quip even allows users who are editing to write real time comments that appear off the the side of the document. Users who are creating content should always think about how it comes across to the reader. Quip helps users strengthen the more meta-cognitive side the their writing, while a the same time learning the type of mistakes they make so they can work to correct them.
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