
LQ: 7.9


Brain grade: 7.8
Fun score: 8.0

Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

MyFitnesssPal is an mobile app which allows users to count calories and track their diet. Users maintain a diary in an effort to manage their daily and weekly food intake and exercise. Once they set their height, weight, age, gender, level of activity, and desired weight, the app calculates the amount of calories they should consume each day. Users then input the foods they eat throughout the day. The MyFitnesssPal then calculates how many calories users have left for their remaining meals. An exercise log allows users to make anecdotal entries about the weights they are using or the amount of time spent doing cadio. A line graph progress chart enables users to track their habits over the course weeks and months. The app acts much like a gym parter — which claims that users who diet with friends lose an average of three times as much weight as those who diet alone. However exercising and dieting are very individualistic experiences. Parents should consult a doctor before allowing a child to embark on an exercising regimen. It is best suited for children aged 6 and older, with proper parent supervision.

MyFitnessPal is an excellent app for helping your child utilize the Self-Awareness and Planning thinking skills. Try some of our suggested activities, or leave us your own ideas in the comment field at the bottom of the page. 

Self-Awareness Activity

Try and create a balanced schedule for your child. Not only should it include 3 healthy meals per day with exercise, but set aside time where your child can read, solve puzzles, and have family time. Fostering the mind and body is important for general well-being and happiness. A well-rounded individual tends to have healthy mind and body. Talk to your child about ways in which he can use MyFitnessPal to become an all-around healthier person. After every meal, get your child in the habit of checking (or asking) for the nutrition facts from the meal. After he enters them into his "daily diary" he can closely follow -- and later analyze -- his eating habits. The same should be done with exercise. After each week, ask your child about how he feels. Is he more comfortable in his own skin? Is he sleeping better? More lively during the day? These are important follow up discussions.

Planning Activity

With input from both a doctor and your child, determine reachable and healthy body weight for your child to strive for. Look for trends in the food that he eats. Enter foods that he often has access to into the app so he does not have to manually enter them in each time he updates his MyFitnessPal account. At the beginning of each week discuss the caloric and weight goal for the week's end. Will your child be looking to lose a half pound? Gain one? Or maintain his body weight? The type of exercises he does as well as the frequency in which he eats are determined by the end goal. If your child is trying to gain weight, he should eat five smaller meals per day most of which should include some kind of protein. This strategy will speed his metabolic rate which will ultimately result in more productive workouts.

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