
LQ: 8.85


Brain grade: 8.8
Fun score: 8.9

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 4+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,


Mindpiece is a journaling app that uses artificial intelligence to provide insights into your thoughts. The user can enter their own journal entries, tag them with significant words, and even add photos. Users can also add photos to a gallery for a particular day where they happened to take important photographs they want to link to their journal entries. 

After the user has made several entries, they can use the app’s analytical features to see the patterns in their journal entries. For example, they can see how often certain words come up to gain some insight into how their feelings have impacted their actions over the days or weeks. Users can use the calendar function to select a specific date and read the journal entry from that day or even search for entries by specific nouns, verbs, or adjectives using the app’s word search feature. Journal entries can also detect key words and auto-fill in an emoji that matches your mood. These features can be turned on and off depending on the level to which the user wants to interact with certain AI-based features. 

Mindpiece is available to try for free but eventually requires a subscription. It is available now on iOS. 


Mindpiece helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Focus: Developing a longer attention span. 

Writing and maintaining a journal is a good way for children to practice focusing skills. Writing about daily life or events that interest them is a good way to maintain focus and gradually increase the amount of time they are able to dedicate to a task. Starting out with shorter entries, users can then work their way up to longer entries with more complex topics or multiple entries in one day depending on whether or not their moods shift or several big things occur. 

Self-Awareness: Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

The AI features in Mindpiece are designed to help provide the user with insight into their moods and the patterns that occur in their writing. For users who struggle with self-awareness and putting words to their emotions, the app can help them make sense of their behaviors and feelings by allowing them to see which words and topics come up frequently in their journaling. By using the keyword search function, they can also look at all journal entries which feature specific words. So for example, if a user wants to look up posts where they felt angry, they can locate that word in the search function and it will pull up all the entries featuring that word. The user can then re-read through their entries and maybe begin to form a pattern in their mind for why they were feeling this particular way. 

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