Great Decisions 7

LQ: 8.3


Brain grade: 8.9
Fun score: 7.7

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,


Great Decisions 7 is an app designed to help users consider their options before making a decision. Users get to directly compare two actions, weigh the pros and cons between two potential decisions, and see a point system to help them decide which is the most beneficial or prudent choice. Whther choosing a movie to watch or what classes to take at school, users get to see a detailed comparison and can save their decisions to reference why they chose the actions they did. Users can share their decisions with others, and view options already weighed and considered by the community. Initial set-up requires some reading and writing, so parents may need to assist younger children. The app has a simple and intuitive presentation, and is recommended for use with children ages 7 and up.

This app is good for kids who need help with:


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.


Weighing big decisions in one's life is inherently self-reflective, and encourages kids to think about their own wants, needs, and hopes for the future. Great Decisions encourages users to consider important choices that need to be made, helping them decide what is important to them and understand the outcomes of their actions. Thinking about things such as personal preference, short and long-term goals, the limitations at hand help them to better understand their actionable aspirations and abilities.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

This app makes it easy for users to consider their options before making a big decision. The point system at work helps users see the pros and cons of future choices, helping them make well-informed decisions pertaining to short and long-term planning. By laying out all their options, kids can gain insight into the most prudent course of action down the line. This kind of smart planning can help kids avoid impulsive decisions and help them plot out the best choices that lie ahead, giving them the means to weigh their options and prioritize what’s most important to them.


Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors.

Making hasty decisions and acting on impulses is commonly an indicator of poor Self-Control skills. If your child exhibits such behavior, using an app like Great Decisions 7 can be a great way to help them learn how to thoroughly consider their options and "think before they act." Great Decisions 7 can help kids evaluate their options, teaching them how to step back and consider the possible outcomes of a situation, rather than making a choice without fully considering the consequences,

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