Fitness Checkup Pro

LQ: 7.5


Brain grade: 7.0
Fun score: 8.0

Platform/Console: , , , LWK Recommended Age: 6+ Thinking Skills Used: ,

It’s hard to get into good shape — and even harder to stay in shape. Fitness Checkup is an app that allows users to gauge their level of general fitness. They will learn where they need to make changes, allowing the app to effectively working as a preventative health measure. The app administers 11 different tests: flexibility, balance, body core, strength, capacity for effort, muscle tone, explosiveness, pulse at rest, body mass index, body fat index and reaction speed. Users will then be awarded a score out of 5, which take into account the age, gender, height, and weight of the user. Fitness Checkup records all progress, so users can keep track of how well they are doing each day. A real-time heart monitor can accurately measures heart rate. Users who make significant increases in strength as the continue to take the test will be awarded health badges. These badges can be shared to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter, allowing friends and family to follow their progress. The app is recommended for children and adults ages 6 and older.

this app is good for kids who need help with:


Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings. Improving social skills.

Fitness Checkup will help users judge their general level of fitness. Consistent usage of the app will make it easy for users to tune into their physicality. The health check up display sorts user progress into an easy-to-interpret visual graph. It will highlight areas in which users are strongest and weakest. When users set their correct height, age, weight, and gender, they will get quality feedback from the app that directly takes into account those factors. However, users should know their own limits. There are some sets of exercises, like pushups, that can be difficult. In order to avoid injury, users should not attempt an activity they feel uncomfortable with. The badges system is the Fitness Checkup's version of positive reinforcement. When users take all 11 test, they will be given a health award indicative of their particular strengths. All progress can be synced to Facebook and Twitter, which can help inspire competition among friends. Users can also find out where they fall on the fitness spectrum in relation to their peers.


Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

Getting into good shape takes careful dieting and a regimented, consistent exercise routine. While the app is focused on the physical aspect of fitness, users should be sure to incorporate a healthy lifestyle that mirrors their new fitness endeavor. For one month users should take two tests per day beginning with flexibility and balance. Six days on with one day off. At the end of the month, users will have established a routine, and will likely see increases in their strength and maybe even physical appearance. Users should know, the app is not a work out guide; it is merely a way of testing overall fitness -- like a self-checkup. As with any fitness routine, it is important to keep a consistent schedule. This way, users will know when and where they must exercise (in this case take the tests). Finding time is often the greatest impediment to any fitness routine. Once users have established a time and place, they will be well on their way to changing their habits.

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