Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame

LQ: 9.4


Brain grade: 9.6
Fun score: 9.2

Platform/Console: , , LWK Recommended Age: 4–8 Thinking Skills Used: ,


Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame is a behavioral app designed to help young children regulate their emotions through breathing exercises and planning. The app uses a young Monster to show children scenarios which could be upsetting and how to resolve them. It places the child in a helping role, where they need to perform tasks to help the monster deal with his anger, sadness, or frustration. They start by tapping his stomach to help him take deep breaths. They then pop bubbles that form above his head to help him come up with a plan to deal with his emotions. The child then sees the end result of the plan and moves onto the next scenario. 

Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame is a free to use app that is currently available on iOS and Android.

Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Self-Control: Managing our actions, feelings and behaviors. 

Breathe, Think, Do With Sesame is a great way for younger children to learn all about self-control. Because they are “helping” the monster in the app calm down through various scenarios, they are also learning these techniques for themselves. As they walk through each scenario, they are learning how to breathe in and out slowly several times to calm themselves. They can then see how coming up with a plan to deal with the emotions is a beneficial way to deal with them rather than yelling or crying. And finally, they get to see the end result for the monster and reflect on how this situation would work out for them. If parents use this app alongside their child they can provide commentary and use these specific techniques when the child in question is feeling overwhelmed for whatever reason. 

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

The app is also good for introducing young children to coming up with a plan of their own. After the initial breathing exercises calm the monster down, the app shows him coming up with three different plans for how to manage his emotions. The user then chooses one of the options to see how it works out. This shows the user that, in order to deal with overwhelming emotions, having a plan for how to tackle them is a must. If the user is with a parent while utilizing this app, they can provide context and help come up with alternate plans that could be used and make connections to real world situations for the user. 

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