365 and Me

LQ: 8.85


Brain grade: 8.5
Fun score: 9.2

Platform/Console: , LWK Recommended Age: 5+ Thinking Skills Used: , Academic Skills Used: ,


365 and Me is a journaling app that asks you a question each day. You answer each question by typing the answer into your phone like you would a text message. When the new year begins, the same 365 questions are asked and you can then compare your answers from previous years to the current one. The prompts range from fairly easy questions such as “What is your favorite restaurant?” to ones that might require more thought, such as “Who would you like a better relationship with?” The app keeps track of your responses over the years and allows you to see how you have responded to the same prompt as time goes on. If you miss a question, you have seven days to answer it or it becomes unavailable, meaning that you need to try every day to take some time to answer each question. 

365 and Me is a free app that is currently available for iOS. 

365 and Me helps kids practice and improve the following skills:

Self-Awareness: Understanding our own actions, thoughts and feelings.

Journaling is one of the best ways that we can understand our own actions. Because 365 and Me asks the same questions on the same day each year, this gives the user the opportunity to see how they have grown over the years and how their responses have varied over time. The app also keeps track of your writing streak, encouraging the user to keep up with their daily responses. The questions in the app range in complexity as well, so the user does not have to prepare a lengthy response for every day of the year. Some prompts require more thought or effort than others and can lead to an increased sense of self-awareness. 

Planning: Developing a systematic approach for setting and achieving goals.

No matter what the prompt is, responding to a question in writing will require some planning. The app allows the user to respond using a text message-like feature, allowing them to organize their thoughts into smaller, more manageable chunks. The user has to then use their planning skills to determine the structure of their response and then follow through by typing it into the app. Also, each prompt allows the user seven days to answer the question before it becomes unavailable. The user has to make sure that they put aside some time each day to answer each question so that they can maintain their daily streak. 

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