The Case of the Golden Idol
LQ: 9.85
Recommended Age: 12+
Skills Used: Focus, Working Memory, Mathematics, Reading
In Art Style: AQUIA, players must maneuver blocks into a tower, with the goal being to make rows of the same color. The tower is three blocks wide, and players add blocks by inserting them from the side of the tower. When players push blocks into the tower, other blocks are displaced. Once in the tower, blocks can be rotated and slid into position. The game is a race against time, as the tower represents a “water pipe” in which pressure constantly builds. If players do not clear rows of matching colors fast enough, the pressure will build too high, causing the game to end. Art Style: AQUIA features no offensive content, has simple controls, and features different difficulty settings to accommodate younger and older players alike. Due to these factors, it is recommended for players ages 7 and up.
Being efficient and aware of our use of time and effort.
Art Style: AQUIA requires players to keep an eye on the “Pressure Line,” which continues to build throughout the game. It can be kept under control by clearing blocks of matching colors, but creating these matches takes some time. Combos, or multiple color matches at the same time, put the pressure down further, but creating these combos requires some strategy. If players fail to manage their time effectively, the pressure will build faster than they can create matches. Eventually, the pressure will rise too high and the game will end.
Adapting and adjusting to changing conditions and expectations.
As blocks are cleared, more come into play, and as new blocks are inserted into the tower, others are pushed out. Thus, the layout of the puzzle is always changing. In order to maintain a flow and consistently clear out matching colors, players have to think fast and be willing to change their strategies "on the fly." This sometimes means letting go of valuable blocks or abandoning large combos in favor of clearing smaller matches in order to keep the pressure at bay.
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